Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm Back?

Life has a way of escaping in a whirl of warm sunshine and fallen leaves.
School starts in exactly 12 days bringing with it a hurricane of school supplies, uniforms, shoes, backpacks and schedules. Gone are the flip-flops and tank tops of careless summer days. No more planning a day at the lake on a whim. Fall comes early according to the academic calendar and stretches far into November when cool breezes and rainly days take over the senses and confirm that fall weather according to MY Northern upbringing has truly arrived.
I dread these last few days of lazy summer after the monster family trip. Unpacking the camper leads to mountains of laundry which forces the putting away of swimwear and dragging out of uniforms. Of course last year's won't fit this year's body which pushes the shopping button, fighting crowds, compiling supply lists, and ultimate stress induced exhaustion.
All I really want to do is spend the days uninterrupted in the kitchen canning summer veggies and fruits for winter consumption while watching TCM and sipping creamy vanilla sweetened pots of fresh brewed coffee. Is that too much to ask?
Braces and doctors and glasses and exams. Shopping and sorting and organizing and prepping. Cleaning and storing and picking up and putting away. Canning and cooking and freezing and blanching.
Honestly? I look forward to the change in seasons. I miss the gentle ebb and flow and distinctive movement of Minnesota seasons. The abrupt man-made signals and disjointed calendric changes of Southern seasons takes getting used to. Melding the two is a true challenge.


  1. You're BACK!!! I'm so excited. But, no pressure... go and can those veggies. You've made me exhausted just reading this as I too dread the back to school shopping frenzy. I've said it before, but I'm saying it again... you are SUCH a gifted writer. Okay, maybe I'm applying a bit of pressure, but I hope you keep posting from time to time because I sure do like reading you. :o)

  2. I'm back too!!!!!! I just started blogging again, today, at around the very same time this afternoon as you posted. Strange, AND WONDERFUL! Keep it up, girl, we love to read you.

  3. So happy to have you back in blogworld, facebook just can't do your writing justice!


Be nice.